dyslexia assessing
About me

I’m a Specialist Teacher but I’m also a parent. That’s where my journey into dyslexia began – when I saw my own child, clearly very able, coming up against barriers to learning than neither me nor the school could fathom.
In the process of supporting my own child, and having a background in Psychology, I decided to train as an assessor and specialist teacher. I now work with school leaders, teachers and parents to improve outcomes for students who learn in this way.
My support is underpinned by a strong educational and professional background, having obtained a Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology from The Open University and specialised further by obtaining Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association and the Dyslexia Guild.
What I love most about the work I do is the feedback from parents and students about the difference it made to them as a family. For the first time they understood what lay behind the difficulties and they could see a way forward.
My Philosophy
My Training
Learning is accomplished in so many different ways. Dyslexic learners can often be visual, verbal and kinaesthetic learners (practical, hands-on) and learn more efficiently if they are using all sensory pathways. Unfortunately, it’s a style of learning that doesn’t always fit well with mainstream education and the techniques required to be successful in external exams.
I believe very strongly that this untapped potential in our Society needs to find a way to be heard. By enabling people to understand how they learn and what they can do rather that what they can’t we can positively affect their self-esteem and enable them to achieve their full potential. An assessment is very often the first step in changing things for the positive.
Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)
Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA)
Member of the Dyslexia Guild (MDG)
MSc Psychology – Open University
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
BSc Psychology – Northumbria University